My 2014 Gem Show

February 20, 2014 by Tom

I look forward, each year, to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society Show, at the Tucson Convention Center. I work very hard on each of my pieces, not knowing how many, if any, might sell. This is the only Show I do. So when I have a good Show, as I did this year, it means I will be very busy the next 11 months thinking up and creating some new Fantasy Sculptures.

The Show started out well on Thursday, then dropped off a bit on Friday, “Kids” Day. I had some small, Brazilian Geodes and tumbled Agatized Coral, out for them. This worked out well for both the kids and adults. So I actually left that day with a pocket full of one’s! No complaints. The kids were, for the most part, very well behaved as their “Handlers” keep pretty good control of them. They were very interested in the stones and minerals and seemed to get a big thrill out of my displays. I would have ‘Sold Out’ if kids were in control of the money!

Both Saturday and Sunday were very good as many of my larger pieces and miniatures found new homes.

People often ask if I do this work for a living? I always tell them “I wish I could.” When I sell a piece, most of the money is simply reinvested in new materials. So I really never get too much ahead. If you’ve looked at mineral and crystal prices lately, then add in the cost of the figures I use, the hardwoods for the bases, and other metals involved in my process, then add in the time to put it all together, and finally, the Show fees, hotel rooms, food and gas, etc., you can see by my prices that I’m not making a living at this. It is just the love of what I am doing that keeps me moving forward. I am just another artist trying to get by.

I can’t say enough good things about this Show. The atmosphere, cleanliness, quality of the vendors, and the way it’s run are all first class. I’ve been in shows where the promoter takes your fee and you never see him/her again. At this Show, the Dealer Chairpersons stop by your booth to see how you’re doing each day, volunteers and other staff members check in on you to see if you need anything. The TGMS President even comes by each booth to thank the Vendors for being there. It’s a very well run and managed Show. They have had 60 years to get it right. “Great Job” to the TGMS!

So it’s back to work, gearing up for next year’s Show, February 12th thru 15th, 2015 at the TGMS Show. Please stop by my booth, Head Lands ( #1306). All my pieces look so much better in person.

I encourage you to bookmark my site, and check back, to see what I am working on. If you have any questions, please feel fee to contact me via the website. Thank you.