Back to Basics

October 4, 2015 by Tom

After working so long and hard on my rock sculptures for the Feb. Tucson Gem Show, when the Show’s over, I like to take a break and work on other projects, one of which is picture frames. I make these from steel, copper, angle iron, aluminum, and other metals, usually burning the edges with a cutting torch, and then rough welding or hand riveting them together which gives them a very “old”, or “industrial”, type look. Each one is made for a specific image, painting or print. I’ll try to pick something interesting out from this image and bring it out onto the frame.
These frames require an enormous amount of time and work to create, so I’m very “picky” about the image I’ll make one for. Last Spring I was asked to build a frame for a very well known artist, Mr. Ciro Marchetti, for one of his most recent paintings. I was very pleased, and actually honored, that he would ask me to do so. His work is fabulous. He paints the kinds of things that are certainly worth the time it would take me to build a frame for. So after a bit of back and forth, we came to an agreement, and I started on the project.
If you’ve never seen his work, please take a look at his website at I’m sure you’ll love what you see.
I worked all Summer on his frame, and finally finished it in September. It turned out very well, so I boxed it up and shipped it off to him. He was pleased with it, which was quite a relief. It’s so different when you have an item finished and displayed for sale. People see it, then decide whether they like it or not. But to make something “specific” for someone, and then “hope” they like it, is not something I’ve done before.
So with that project over, I’ve gotten back to my rock work in preparation for the Feb. 2016 TGMS Show at the Tucson Convention Center. I’ve got some really beautiful new pieces done already for the Show, and I’m constantly making more. As I finish them I put their pics up on my site, so keep checking back and looking around for my newest ones. And with the Holidays approaching, you might like to purchase a piece for yourself, or for a gift. Just let me know and I’ll be glad to help you. And if you plan on going to the Tucson Show, I hope you’ll come by my booth, #1506, at the TGMS Tucson Convention Center Show, Feb. 11th thru 14th, 2016, and say hello. Thank you. Tom