Now that the 63rd Annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show is over, it’s time to start focusing on next year. It’s not always a given thing that a previous vendor will automatically be granted a space at the next years Show. You must apply each year. But I feel pretty confident that I’ll be accepted into next years Show. I’ve had good luck getting in the last 12 years, so I hope my luck holds out.
I was very happy with the way the Show went for me. I sold some very nice pieces to some very nice people. And I got some great compliments from many folks. I love seeing the reactions of people when they realize that my Geodes are “hinged” and open up. And a few of them have internal lights with little scenes inside which always creates a lot of “ooo’s, and aaah’s”. And I always try to put one of my finest pieces in the center of my display which always attracts attention. Many people ask “which is your favorite piece”? I can never answer that because I love them all. I even hate selling some of them.
So I expect another long, hot Summer her in Arizona, but I’ll continue making new pieces, and I have a few new picture frames I’d like to make. The dates for the 2018 Show will be Feb. 8th thru 11th, so I hope you’ll mark your calendar and stop by and see me at the Show. Have a wonderful year. Tom