Shows Over

December 16, 2017 by Tom

The Tucson Gem Show is now over which means the start of a new year for me. My personal new year starts the day after the end of the Show. I’ll begin working on new things to take with me to next years Show right away and usually work on them right up until it’s time to pack it all up for the trip back to Tucson.
It’s always such a GREAT Show, with so many things to see. I bought some wonderful pieces to work with, and I’m sure I’ll put them to good use over the year. It then becomes an issue to decide which ones to take with me to the Show. I just don’t have room for them all in my booth.
So please check my web site from time to time for new pieces. As I make a new piece I immediately put it up on my site. Please feel free to e-mail me any time if you have an questions or would like to make a purchase for yourself, or as a special one-of-a-kind gift. Thank you, and have a GREAT Year! T.S.