Show Canceled

October 27, 2020 by Tom

I received information from the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society that the 2021 TGMS Show is canceled. As with many other shows and events around the world, the Covid-19 virus is doing its part to shut things down.
This virus has affected us all, and some much more than others. With things as they are it is very understandable why the Show is cancelled. As with many of the other vendors this comes as a hard blow to me. I’ve worked very hard all year making new pieces just for this Show, and it’s the only Show I do. So without it I’m quite disappointed.
So even though there’s no Show this year, all my pieces are here on my web site and available for purchase. Since I can’t show them to you in person at the Show. please take your time and look them all over, and if you’d like to purchase one or more pieces, please e-mail, or phone me and we can work out the details. I’m sorry for the situation, but hopefully things will get better and we can return to a “closer to normal” TGMS Show in 2022. Stay well, stay safe. Tom