Merchant of Time
With so much detail it’s hard to know where to look at this piece first. I’ve started with a very nice specimen of Labradorite, from Madagascar, for the starting point. It has a wonderful blue flash to it. I’ve mounted one of Perth Pewters finest Wizard figures at the front. Next to him hangs a small spherical time piece, and next to it is an hourglass with two Pewter Gargoyles at the top. I’ve added a railing to each side of the steps from ground level up to the business level, topped at the ends with Amethyst spheres. The gate at the bottom swings open and closed and is very detailed. I’ve also added a few small time pieces around the base to add to the piece. The wooden base is of a hardwood, “Corymbia Opaca, or Bloodwood”, from Australia. The bottom is covered with heavy felt to protect furniture.