Star Geode

This small Amethyst Geode is from Brazil. I have many. many hours just in the mild steel frame which I used to support this Geode. The Geode is filled with beautiful, purple, Amethyst crystals. I’ve added a small, clear Quartz crystal, from Arkansas, underneath the Geode, and one at the top. I’ve also added a small, fine Pewter Wizard, with an Owl on his shoulder, from Perth Pewter, next to this Crystal. The small handle is a wonderful Turquoise nugget, from Arizona. I’ve hand cut and finished a nice slice of a Hardwood, from Australia, called Corymbia Opaca, or Bloodwood. The bottom is covered with heavy felt to protect furniture.

Dimensions: 7 x 7 x 8 (w x d x h) Base: Weight: 3 lbs.
Cost: $ 450. Year Completed: 2013
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