Quan Yin
This extraordinarily detailed figure is from “The Top Collection”. This figure is of cold cast bronze and is of a Chinese Deity named Guan Yin, sometimes spelled Kuan, or Quan Yin. Guan Yin is the Deity of mercy, perched on top of her Dragon. He usually manifests himself in a feminine form whenever help is needed, especially when someone is menaced by water, demons or fire.
I’ve added this beautiful red smelted glass obelisk, from China, behind the figure and have installed a light under it which, when lit, really shows off the beautiful wisps of red and white throughout the glass. The base is a hand cut and finished slice of a Hardwood called Corymbia Opaca, or Bloodwood, from Australia. The bottom is felted to protect furniture. In a darker room or area, this piece is outstanding when lit.