Megumi Fushiguro
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Megumi Fushiguro is an animated character in the Japanese Manga and Anime series. It was created by Masashi Kishimoto. This piece shows Megumi summoning his White Wolf from the black ooze all around him. I’ve used some new materials; deep pour epoxy resins, for the first time here. I’ve spent countless hours making molds for the crystal formed obelisk and the floor. Once taken out of the molds there are other labor intensive processes of grinding, sanding and polishing these pieces, all by hand. The floor is of a black dyed resin. Once the floor section was dry, I embedded the clear obelisk, and the two figures in place. When cured, I poured another thick layer of clear resin on top, to provide another see through effect, adding another dimension to the piece.
I made the base from a hand cut, shaped, and painted piece of Poplar wood. I usually use a clear finish on my wood bases, but with the lack of color in this piece, I felt the the white would go very well with it, accenting the White Wolf. The bottom is covered with heavy felt to protect furniture.