The Music Master
I started this piece with a very nice Brazilian Quartz point. I made a nice roofed extension for the front of his home, using a slice of blue Brazilian Agate to surround his front door, and added copper drain pipes to the roof. His front door is of pewter, and I’ve added a small pewter Dragons head over his door to keep intruders away. The little Wizard, from Perth Pewter, stands at the top of his stair,d balcony, with his little cat beside him, making an offering to the music spirits. His little pewter dog waits excitedly at the bottom of the stairs. A small Amethyst sphere adorns the bottom of the stair rail.
I’ve added two small, glass cab windows at two locations around his house. Inside, I’ve added a small LED night light bulb which, when lit, gives a nice, soft, bluish glow to this piece.
The special feature of this piece is my addition of a wind up music box movement inside. A fitting addition to a “Music Master’s” house. The base is of a beautiful, hand cut and finished hardwood called Corymbia Opaca, or Bloodwood, the bottom of which is felted to protect furniture.